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[value] => Connaissez-vous la fraise ? Ce fruit doit son nom à son parfum exquis, sa “fragrance”.
Où est-elle cultivée ?
La production française de fraises se situe essentiellement en Aquitaine, suivie par les régions Rhône-Alpes et Val de Loire. Des appellations IGP pour “Fraise du Périgord” et “Fraise de Nîmes”, mais aussi le Label Rouge sont utilisés pour préserver ces filières.
La variété de fraise fortement représentée en France est la fraise gariguette que l’on connaît pour son goût particulièrement sucré. C’est la variété reine dans l’Ouest, avec même quelques productions en Label Rouge.
La plantation des fraises, quelle que soit la variété, doit avoir lieu de mi-février à fin mai et de d'août à octobre. Pour les variétés non remontantes, la récolte a lieu de mai à mi-juillet. Pour les variétés remontantes, la production est étalée depuis le printemps jusqu'aux premières gelées, soit de juin à octobre.
En trouve-t-on en région nantaise ?
Bien sûr ! On dénombre une multitude de producteurs dans la région, notamment dans le secteur de Saint-Julien-de-Concelles. Il existe également de petites fermes qui offrent la possibilité au public de cueillir sur place le petit fruit rouge. Il en est ainsi à la ferme de la Source à Fay-de-Bretagne, au l'Ôpain de fraises au lieu-dit Muzon à Treillières, ou à Pornic sur les terrains de la Fraiseraie à Pornic.
Quelle est l’histoire de la fraise ?
Tout d’abord présentes en France sous forme de fraises des bois, les grosses fraises que nous connaissons aujourd’hui ne feront leur apparition qu’en 1713, grâce à un officier de marine du nom de Frézier.
À son arrivée en France seulement 5 plants avaient résisté à la traversée mais ne donnèrent pas de fruits. Ils furent multipliés grâce aux stolons, les tiges aériennes ou souterraines rampantes qui permettent la reproduction végétative. Ces derniers ont ensuite été envoyés dans de nombreux jardins botaniques. Les seuls cas de fructification de la « Blanche du Chili » ont eu lieu grâce à la proximité d’autres espèces de fraisiers dont le fraisier de Virginie. Cet hybride issu de deux fraisiers américains est né de façon parfaitement aléatoire sur le continent européen.
Quels sont les bienfaits de la fraise ?
La fraise est riche en vitamine C, bien plus que l’orange ! Elle contient beaucoup de vitamine B9 et de Bêta Carotène. Elle est aussi source de manganèse et de potassium. Elle permet de lutter contre la fatigue et stimuler le système immunitaire.
Avec quoi manger la fraise ?
On retrouve la fraise dans nos assiettes de multiples façons. De quoi ravir les papilles des amateurs !
On peut associer la délicatesse d’un produit brut avec quelques feuilles de menthe. Nous pouvons commencer un repas avec une entrée savoureuse comportant des fraises, du fromage et des noix.
On la retrouve aussi bien dans une salade de fruits frais que dans une fondue au chocolat pour une soirée réconfortante. Ajoutez-la à vos smoothies, sorbets ou confitures pour ajouter de la couleur et du goût.
Enfin, vous pouvez la cuisiner dans de nombreuses préparations sucrées comme les gâteaux, les gaufres ou encore les muffins. Une tarte fraises-rhubarbe vous rappelle sûrement de bons souvenirs !
On en profite pour vous proposer une recette réalisée par Frédérique Nivet, diététicienne Interfel !
Pour encore plus de recettes, rendez-vous sur le site Les fruits et légumes frais d'Interfel.
Les fraises sont au MiN !
Rendez-vous au MiN Nantes Métropole où vous trouverez ce fruit ! Sur le carreau des producteurs, comme chez nos grossistes permanents, vous aurez toujours des produits de la plus grande fraîcheur, et la réponse à toutes vos questions.
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[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => string
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[required] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[display] => Array(2)
[provider] => node
[field_name] => title
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:string
[settings] => Array
[max_length] => 255
[is_ascii] =>
[case_sensitive] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Title
[arguments:protected] => Array
[required] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[display] => Array
[view] => Array
[options] => Array(3)
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(2)
[configurable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => title
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[created] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => created
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => created
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[display] => Array(2)
[provider] => node
[field_name] => created
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:created
[settings] => Array
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Authored on
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => The time that the node was created.
[arguments:protected] => Array
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[display] => Array
[view] => Array
[options] => Array(3)
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(2)
[configurable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => created
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[changed] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => changed
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => changed
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => changed
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:changed
[settings] => Array
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Changed
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => The time that the node was last edited.
[arguments:protected] => Array
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => changed
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[promote] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
[baseFieldDefinition:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.promote
[field_name:protected] => promote
[field_type:protected] => boolean
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Promu en page d'accueil
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[on_label] => Activé
[off_label] => Désactivé
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] => 1
[default_value:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 0
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.promote
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => bf2960e0-dc7c-46fa-b114-d5370804d440
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => base_field_override
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] => node.type.actualite
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[sticky] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[default_value] => Array(1)
[display] => Array(1)
[provider] => node
[field_name] => sticky
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:boolean
[settings] => Array
[on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Sticky at top of lists
[arguments:protected] => Array
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[default_value] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] =>
[display] => Array
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(3)
[configurable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => sticky
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[default_langcode] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[default_value] => Array(1)
[provider] => node
[field_name] => default_langcode
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:boolean
[settings] => Array
[on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Default translation
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => A flag indicating whether this is the default translation.
[arguments:protected] => Array
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[default_value] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => default_langcode
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[revision_default] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[storage_required] => 1
[internal] => 1
[translatable] =>
[revisionable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => revision_default
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:boolean
[settings] => Array
[on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Default revision
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved.
[arguments:protected] => Array
[storage_required] => 1
[internal] => 1
[translatable] =>
[revisionable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => revision_default
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[revision_translation_affected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => boolean
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[read-only] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => revision_translation_affected
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:boolean
[settings] => Array
[on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Revision translation affected
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision.
[arguments:protected] => Array
[read-only] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[provider] => node
[field_name] => revision_translation_affected
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[metatag] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => map
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => map
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[class] => \Drupal\metatag\Plugin\Field\MetatagEntityFieldItemList
[computed] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[entity_type] => node
[provider] => metatag
[field_name] => metatag
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:map
[settings] => Array
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => The meta tags for the entity.
[arguments:protected] => Array
[class] => \Drupal\metatag\Plugin\Field\MetatagEntityFieldItemList
[computed] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[entity_type] => node
[provider] => metatag
[field_name] => metatag
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[path] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => path
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => path
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatable] => 1
[display] => Array(1)
[computed] => 1
[provider] => path
[field_name] => path
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:path
[settings] => Array
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => URL alias
[arguments:protected] => Array
[translatable] => 1
[display] => Array
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(2)
[configurable] => 1
[computed] => 1
[provider] => path
[field_name] => path
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[publish_on] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => timestamp
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => timestamp
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[display] => Array(1)
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[constraints] => Array(1)
[provider] => scheduler
[field_name] => publish_on
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:timestamp
[settings] => Array
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Publish on
[arguments:protected] => Array
[display] => Array
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(2)
[configurable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[constraints] => Array
[SchedulerPublishOn] =>
[provider] => scheduler
[field_name] => publish_on
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[unpublish_on] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => timestamp
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => timestamp
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[display] => Array(1)
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[constraints] => Array(1)
[provider] => scheduler
[field_name] => unpublish_on
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:timestamp
[settings] => Array
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Unpublish on
[arguments:protected] => Array
[display] => Array
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(2)
[configurable] => 1
[translatable] => 1
[revisionable] => 1
[constraints] => Array
[SchedulerUnpublishOn] =>
[provider] => scheduler
[field_name] => unpublish_on
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[menu_link] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => entity_reference
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[type:protected] => entity_reference
[propertyDefinitions:protected] =>
[schema:protected] =>
[indexes:protected] => Array
[itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition
[fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
[definition:protected] => Array(2)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[revisionable] => 1
[class] => \Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList
[translatable] => 1
[internal] => 1
[display] => Array(2)
[computed] => 1
[provider] => token
[field_name] => menu_link
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[type] => field_item:entity_reference
[settings] => Array
[target_type] => menu_link_content
[handler] => default
[handler_settings] => Array(0)
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[definition:protected] => Array
[label] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Menu link
[arguments:protected] => Array
[description] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
[translatedMarkup:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[stringTranslation:protected] =>
[string:protected] => Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving).
[arguments:protected] => Array
[revisionable] => 1
[class] => \Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList
[translatable] => 1
[internal] => 1
[display] => Array
[view] => Array
[options] => Array(2)
[form] => Array
[options] => Array(1)
[computed] => 1
[provider] => token
[field_name] => menu_link
[entity_type] => node
[bundle] =>
[typedDataManager:protected] =>
[body] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.body
[field_name:protected] => body
[field_type:protected] => text_with_summary
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Body
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[display_summary] => 1
[required_summary] =>
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] => 1
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.body
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => a9901158-63fc-48ea-97ce-2d20a780af98
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[module] => Array
[0] => text
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_category_sitemap] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_category_sitemap
[field_name:protected] => field_category_sitemap
[field_type:protected] => entity_reference
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Catégorie sitemap
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[handler] => default:taxonomy_term
[handler_settings] => Array
[target_bundles] => Array
[categorie_sitemap] => categorie_sitemap
[sort] => Array
[field] => name
[direction] => asc
[auto_create] =>
[auto_create_bundle] =>
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] =>
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_category_sitemap
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => 0842fe6d-9d99-411a-9de3-0fc6c3ba0caa
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.categorie_sitemap
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_legende] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_legende
[field_name:protected] => field_legende
[field_type:protected] => string
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Légende
[description:protected] => La légende qui sera affiché sous l'image.
[settings:protected] => Array
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] =>
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_legende
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => 36958e7f-11f4-4427-bd55-a0eac15e4c90
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_meta_tags] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_meta_tags
[field_name:protected] => field_meta_tags
[field_type:protected] => metatag
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Meta tags
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] => 1
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_meta_tags
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => ef5a34be-0700-45c0-8d24-91c3911a0d8e
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[module] => Array
[0] => metatag
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_sitemap_html] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_sitemap_html
[field_name:protected] => field_sitemap_html
[field_type:protected] => boolean
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Inclure dans sitemap html
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[on_label] => Activé
[off_label] => Désactivé
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] =>
[default_value:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => 0
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_sitemap_html
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => f3aab3d7-e04f-4ecb-9349-7f7181a150e9
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_summary] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_summary
[field_name:protected] => field_summary
[field_type:protected] => string
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Résumé
[description:protected] => 130 caractères maximum
[settings:protected] => Array
[required:protected] => 1
[translatable:protected] =>
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_summary
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => 5cc7f00e-1dc3-4681-9bdf-fb2db167c3ce
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_thematique] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_thematique
[field_name:protected] => field_thematique
[field_type:protected] => entity_reference
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Thématique
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[handler] => default:taxonomy_term
[handler_settings] => Array
[target_bundles] => Array
[thematique] => thematique
[sort] => Array
[field] => name
[direction] => asc
[auto_create] => 1
[auto_create_bundle] =>
[required:protected] => 1
[translatable:protected] =>
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_thematique
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => 31315fd0-55b7-461b-9bf2-ffaf71fdc0c6
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.thematique
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_visuel] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_visuel
[field_name:protected] => field_visuel
[field_type:protected] => image
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Visuel (990x520)
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[file_directory] => [date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]
[file_extensions] => png gif jpg jpeg
[max_filesize] =>
[max_resolution] =>
[min_resolution] =>
[alt_field] => 1
[alt_field_required] => 1
[title_field] =>
[title_field_required] =>
[default_image] => Array
[uuid] =>
[alt] =>
[title] =>
[width] =>
[height] =>
[handler] => default:file
[handler_settings] => Array
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] => 1
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_visuel
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => f2a92c58-8fe1-4703-a45c-4d4cb7808c33
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[module] => Array
[0] => image
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[field_yoast_seo] => stdClass Object
[__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
[deleted:protected] =>
[fieldStorage:protected] =>
[id:protected] => node.actualite.field_yoast_seo
[field_name:protected] => field_yoast_seo
[field_type:protected] => yoast_seo
[entity_type:protected] => node
[bundle:protected] => actualite
[label:protected] => Real-time SEO
[description:protected] =>
[settings:protected] => Array
[required:protected] =>
[translatable:protected] => 1
[default_value:protected] => Array
[default_value_callback:protected] =>
[itemDefinition:protected] =>
[constraints:protected] => Array
[propertyConstraints:protected] => Array
[originalId:protected] => node.actualite.field_yoast_seo
[status:protected] => 1
[uuid:protected] => 0fa72a79-8119-4d91-bcc6-9cb1952f908e
[langcode:protected] => fr
[third_party_settings:protected] => Array
[_core:protected] => Array
[trustedData:protected] =>
[entityTypeId:protected] => field_config
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[0] => languages:language_interface
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[dependencies:protected] => Array
[config] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => node.type.actualite
[module] => Array
[0] => yoast_seo
[isSyncing:protected] =>
[isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] =>
[languages:protected] =>
[langcodeKey:protected] => langcode
[defaultLangcodeKey:protected] => default_langcode
[activeLangcode:protected] => x-default
[defaultLangcode:protected] => fr
[translations:protected] => Array
[x-default] => Array
[status] => 1
[translationInitialize:protected] =>
[newRevision:protected] =>
[isDefaultRevision:protected] => 1
[entityKeys:protected] => Array
[bundle] => actualite
[id] => 259
[revision] => 983
[uuid] => 91491568-4ae4-4d97-ba96-ef5470269c91
[translatableEntityKeys:protected] => Array
[label] => Array
[x-default] => La fraise, le fruit préféré des Français
[langcode] => Array
[x-default] => fr
[status] => Array
[x-default] => 1
[published] => Array
[x-default] => 1
[uid] => Array
[x-default] => 1
[owner] => Array
[x-default] => 1
[default_langcode] => Array
[x-default] => 1
[revision_translation_affected] => Array
[x-default] => 1
[validated:protected] =>
[validationRequired:protected] =>
[loadedRevisionId:protected] => 983
[revisionTranslationAffectedKey:protected] => revision_translation_affected
[enforceRevisionTranslationAffected:protected] => Array
[fieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck:protected] => Array
[entityTypeId:protected] => node
[enforceIsNew:protected] =>
[typedData:protected] =>
[cacheContexts:protected] => Array
[cacheTags:protected] => Array
[cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1
[_serviceIds:protected] => Array
[_entityStorages:protected] => Array
[isSyncing:protected] =>